Tuesday 29 October 2013

MUSIGA Executives Visit British Musicians Union

As Part of the Twinning agreement between the Musicians Union of Ghana(MUSIGA) and the British Musicians Union(BMU), The President of the Musicians Union of Ghana has led a delegation of MUSIGA Executives to the United Kingdom on a 10 day working visit.
Already the team has held meetings with the General Secretary of BMU and President of the International Federation of Musicians(FIM) John Smith and the past Chairman of the BMU Executive Council Danny Langstaff  where a wide range of issues including membership
development, Collective bargaining, industry rate standardization, Collective management, UK musicians participation Ghana Music week 2014, among others were discussed.
The delegation has also held meetings with the coordinator of British Underground, a British Arts Council funded institution to grow and promote British Musicians around the world.  British underground will be sending a group to participate in Ghana Music Week 2014 and a Ghanaian underground group will also be invited to take part in the British underground festival in 2014 .  There is also a prospect to have collaboration between Ghanaian musicians and UK musicians under the relationship that is being established for the promotion of musical cultures of the two countries over a 3 year period.
The team has visited the MU East and South Regional Office where they were taken through the entire operational processes of that office and how aspects of them can  be adopted to improve service delivery to Ghana and members of MUSIGA.
The delegation will visit and hold meetings with PPL, PRS & Music Publishers Association of the UK.  Furthermore, the delegation will travel to Cardiff to participate in the ongoing WOMEX 13 Festival. At WOMEX, the team will join 2 other members of Musiga, Appiah Dankwa(Appietus) and Paa kwesi Holdbrook(Paa K) who were selected by Musiga to receive sponsorship from the British Council to participate in the   Festival.
The delegation includes: the General Secretary- Mrs. Deborah Nyameye Anaman and The Director of Special Projects –Fiifi Khan Agyarkwah (Rev).                                                                                     

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