Saturday 8 March 2014

Shocking: Raw Pornography On Our Tv Screens!

Have you ever watched any pornographic movie before? Did you learn something from it or it affected you negatively? I sincerely believe a pornography movie has the tendency to provide good or bad results depending on the motive of whoever watches it.
In these modern days, parents find it very difficult to educate their children on relationships, sexual and reproductive health issues and most of the time, children who try to experiment sex through relationships end up entangling themselves in teenage pregnancy and the likelihood of contracting any sexually transmitted disease.
As a result of this, I am always happy when I come across any Radio or TV programme with the sole aim of providing education on relationships, sexual and reproductive issues. Quite unfortunately, programmes of this nature are in the minority as compared to other kinds of programmes.
In as much as programmes on relationships, sexual and reproductive health issues are very important, care needs to be taken in its delivery. About two weeks ago, I watched one of such programmes on TV. This programme (name withheld) is very popular on TV as well as Radio and has been running for some years. In fact, the programme is hosted by a notable person in the country. The host is more of a celebrity in Ghana.
I really enjoyed the edition of the programme but a particular segment of the programme got me wondering if things were being done in the correct manner. I remember vividly that the segment was meant to educate viewers on a particular sex position called the KUNG FU position. I checked my time at that moment and realized it was 11:45pm. Indeed it was very late. As the host and the panelists on the programme discussed the KUNG FU sex position, all I realized was that a video of a gentleman and a lady was running on my TV.
Without mincing words, it was a pure pornographic movie involving the man and the woman having pleasurable sex in what the host described as KUNG FU. I was shocked to the bones and only if I am not exaggerating, this movie ran for about ten to fifteen minutes and within this time, the man and woman having sex was shown without any intermittent break. In as much as the video was meant to educate viewers on the KUNG FU sex position, I realized that other sex positions were employed by the ''sex players''.
One disgusting thing about the video was the close shots of the vagina of the woman which had some grey hair. The host and the panelists upon seeing it, made some funny remarks amidst laughter. In all these, I know the programme is meant for education, but is it so necessary to have pornographic movie shown on TV just to describe different sex positions? Do you think Ghana Television (GTV) would do such a thing even after 12 midnight?
I am not an expert in this respect but I believe it would have been more appropriate if pictures of various sex positions are rather used for the sake of education. The showing of a pornographic movie on TV with the excuse of using it for educational purposes is quite unfortunate and disappointing. So far as the production of pornographic movie is unlawful in Ghana, I see no reason why its broadcast should be encouraged on our TV screens. For now, I am not too sure if there is any law that forbids or allows any television station from showing any pornographic movie on its screen. Perhaps, the laws of Ghana are silent on this subject.
After watching the programme, I was shocked to the marrow. The host should have considered other things. The TV station has the most important duty of ensuring that this unfortunate thing is not repeated or else in subsequent editions of Flex Newspaper, we will give details of the programme, the host as well as the TV station that airs the programme. I rest my case.

Elvis R Baidoo

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