Wednesday 19 March 2014

Respect The Young Ones In The Entertainment Industry

If you are an old or successful 'showbizer' who looks down on beginners, put a stop to that because it may affect you someday. We wonder why people become so arrogant and condescending when they accede higher level in the showbiz industry. When they climb to the top, they don't respect those who are of lower pedigree to them.
These old or successful showbizers don't respond well to the wannabes or up and coming ones when they approach them. Doing this will not add anything to their respect. People rather earn more respect from the younger ones when they give them good reception. Most old showbizers fear to be nice to the up and coming ones because they think if they allow them to be closer to them, they might take some of their fortunes and ride on their association with them to step on to stardom.
It is only a selfish person who wouldn't be happy to see someone below their standard, or someone they have mentored and advised soar higher. One needs to be happy if it happens this way. However 'abro ne beyie nti' they won't smile to them. It pertains to music, acting, radio, television and all the other sects of showbiz. When Obuor and his Musicians Union of Ghana (MUSIGA) leadership founded the Ageing Musicians Welfare Fund, most people lauded the initiative and the old musicians were beside themselves with joy. This was a young president, who under his tenure thought it wise to do something to cushion the lives of old musicians.
It tells that at a point in time somebody will definitely need someone else in this entertainment industry. The industry is too big but very small. It is cyclical. You loathe somebody today and tomorrow you regret it. If you are a radio presenter who treats wannabes badly, change for the better because, one day some of these wannabes could become your programmes managers. You may be at their beck and call. Such is the world.
There are some old musicians who were missing from the system but got their music careers rekindled when from no where they were featured on songs by the new artistes. Others would also be languishing in poverty and oblivion because there is no one to help them come out with albums again. For all you know while they were at their peak, they thought they were most important than any musician in the world, thus, despised the then younger ones who are today's leaders and musicians of the moment.
Let us learn to respect people and stop prejudicing them anytime they express opinions that may be scathing. For if you behave too bossy and you disregard the young ones, what do you gain? 

 Elvis R Baidoo

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