Friday 11 April 2014

FOKN BOIS Mess Up In Music ‘’Porn’’ Video (Coz Ov Money Part 2)

Just by reading the caption of this article, I am sure you would be wondering what the FOKN Bois have done again.  The FOKN Bois have done the unimaginable again! If you ever thought Wanlov’s  exposure of his penis on Delay’s show and the naked picture of Wanlov and Mensah  that went viral on social media was an end to the FOKN Bois’ ‘’madness’’ then you made a mistake. That exposure was probably just the tip of the iceberg.

I just got possession of a music video by FOKN Bois. In as much as I don’t know the title of the song, Fokn Bois talks about how they crave for food, the fact that they need to eat as their appetite has been whetted and a whole lot of insinuating stuff. In as much as they speak about food and their appetite for it, the video does not represent that at all.
In the video, you have Wanlov and Mensa having their clothes taken off by two ladies. One of the ladies has only a towel wrapped around her body. Quite surprisingly, these two ladies strip Wanlov and Mensa totally naked. Yes….I mean naked and you could see the penises of Wanlov and Mensa clearly. Right after the stripping, the two ladies usher the FOKN Bois into the washroom. In the 69 seconds video, these two ladies after stripping the FOKN Bois naked, then bath them in the washroom.
It`s revealing to know that, not only were Wanlov and Mensa naked; the two ladies who stripped the two ‘’wise’’ men naked, were also naked as they bathed them (Wanlov and Mensa) in the washroom. Definitely, I know you would be yearning to have a look at the music video. Frankly speaking, the music video isn’t just any video but a pornographic material in my opinion. Are they trying to market their brand as musicians or they just want people to see their penises?  Perhaps, they are in the wrong profession. They could earn millions of dollars as porn stars.
I know by this time, you would be asking yourself how you could get to see the video. Just don’t worry; you would get the video without any difficulty anytime soon as people have started receiving it on their phones. 

Written By: Elvis R Baidoo

1 comment:

  1. these guys are promoting an agenda..Ghanaians wake the fuck up
